October 19, 2007

The Movie Theater Mall : A film critic(1)

Be a film critic
All of you can be a critic. But you'll have to learn about writing film reviews. Learn what to look for in movies so that you can analyze them as a film critic.

Please remember that anyone can be a film critic.

The first thing is you must be objective. This means when watching a movie--whether it is a cartoon or an epic-- remain objective. Don’t be swayed by who’s in it. Pay no attention to the director. Ignore any stories or rumors you might have heard about the filming of it. Be completely absorbed in the movie, concentrating on the events unfolding onscreen.
Try to make your opinions count and do so in a way that’s forceful. Be stern and unwavering, or be funny. You are the person who is writing as a critic.

Guru said that you’ll gain many admirers and detractors, but if you’ve comfortable with writing in the first person then go ahead—you’re the critic!

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